Mrs. Pitsela, associate professor of Criminology at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the School of Law, analyses and presents the juvenile justice system in Greece, and its situation in relation to the consequences of the current socioeconomic crisis in this country. Regarding the reform of juvenile criminal legislation in Greece, Angelika explains some of the changes that have been brought in by this law, among others, an increase in non-custodial educational measures.
IJJO Interviews
In this interview, Mr Fasihuddin analyses the juvenile-justice system in Pakistan and the process of reforming and developing the country's legal context regarding minors. The phenomenon of legal minor’s homogenization on a territorial level means an improvement in minors' rights and protection in Pakistan.
Mr. Francisco Romero Blasco describes and tells in an exhaustive way about the current situation on child-parent violence in Spain. The family models, national policies and the minor’s disruptive behaviour profile are some of the essential elements highlighted in the thematic IJJO Interview.
Mila Jelavic, Ombudsman for children in the Republic of Croatia, talks about the situation of juvenile delinquency in Croatia and emphasizes on the need to develop preventive policies which promote a decrease of delinquent acts committed by minor offenders. Mrs. Jelavic analyses the development of integrated educational strategies and policies mainly to allow protecting children in the context of the post-war.
Mr. Jean Schmitz delegate for the Foundation Terre des Hommes Lausanne in Peru and the Regional Technical Advisor in Juvenile Justice for Latin America and the Caribbean describes and analyses the situation of restorative juvenile justice in Latin America. Some of the main elements pointed out by Mr. Schmitz are going into the restorative juvenile justice methodology and instruments in depth and evaluate the victim’s situation in restorative juvenile justice as well as the need to protect him and repair the damage.