Microsite Strengthening
- International Juvenile Justice Observatory (Belgium)
- Senator für Justiz und Verfassung, Federal Ministry of Justice of Germany (Germany)
- Ministry of Justice of Belgium (Belgium)
- Penitentiary for Minors and Juveniles Tichilesti, The National Prison Administration (Romania)
- Educational Center Tg. Ocna, The National Prison Administration (Romania)
- University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (Croatia)
- Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc (Hungary)
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institute (Austria)
- Latvian Centre for Human Rights (Latvia)
- Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse, Ministry of Justice of France (France)
- 180 (The Netherlands)
- Fundación Diagrama (Spain)
- Defence for Children International – DCI (The Netherlands)
The website section for this project was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). The contents of it are the sole responsibility of the “Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context” project partners, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.