Implementing Restorative Justice with Child Victims Outputs


  • A practical guide on concrete implementation of 3 types of juvenile restorative justice processes (in 7 EU languages) – 400 printed copies + electronic version.
  • An online training course based on the practical guide.
  • An external evaluation/monitoring report by the EFRJ on the pilot projects at the 6 months mark.
  • 3 national reports on the sustainability of pilot projects (1 per mentee country).
  • A series of videos (3x10 minutes) featuring children taking part in featured Restorative Justice processes in mentor countries.
  • Executive summary/flyer of project results (100 copies).
  • Newsletters, web-section, on-line promotion materials.
  • Advocacy material developed during the final conference.
  • Evaluation report on the project.


Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union