Microsite PRALT
Expected Results
- The training of professionals and sharing of promising practices will allow European Union Member States to increase the efficiency of their policies in all three domains that this project will address.
- The creation of a manual and an e-learning training course summarising the responses available for criminal justice professionals will help them tackle the issue of radicalisation, in detention and through alternatives to detention.
- The conclusions of the project, in the form of a policy brief, will be circulated, presented and discussed at the EU institutions, as well as between EU member states, in order to inspire their policies and practices regarding the fight against radicalisation.

The website section for this project was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). The contents of it are the sole responsibility of the “The prevention of juvenile radicalisation: Promoting the use of alternatives to detention through judicial training” project partners, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.