J.O.D.A. Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternatives in Europe Online Course

Online course

An online course for key actors and professionals was held during 2015 through the International School of Juvenile Justice e-learning platform, managed by the International Juvenile Justice Observatory. A new edition is expected for 2016.

The first pilot edition of the JODA project course had 4 modules. The online training package was targeted to key actors working in the field and interested in tackling the current issues (indicatively 15 from public institutions, 15 from private entities and 10 professionals - the forecast numbers could vary after the selection phase). They had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge on the detention alternatives in Europe for juvenile offenders.

The International School of Juvenile Justice (ISJJ) is a training and research space on an international level. Its main purposes are to reinforce the generation and dissemination of knowledge and the development of training actions in the various fields related to juvenile justice.


Funded by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union