J.O.D.A. Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternatives in Europe Events


The following transnational meetings have taken place:

First Transnational Meeting of the JODA project - Verona (Italy), 4-5 March 2014

The objective of the meeting held in Verona was to define, design and share some specific tools, as well as to identify the structure of a first qualitative report.

Prior to the meeting, the project partners had begun to analyse the different contexts (legal framework, scientific literature, statistical data and juvenile justice system structure and functioning) according to a European perspective, highlighting what works and what doesn’t work in each country.

To this aim, they prepared and shared specific tools, and submitted ad hoc questionnaires to key stakeholders and privileged witnesses (youth offenders inserted in juvenile justice system and who are experiencing detention alternatives) in order to identify the detention alternatives targeted to youth offenders applied in the participating Member States, as well as their strengths and weaknesses and to suggest some good practices.

The next important step of the project was to conduct more research and collect a higher number of practices in order to draft the first qualitative report.

Read the whole news piece about the Meeting.


Second Transnational Meeting of the JODA project and First Exchange Meeting with Experts – Murcia (Spain), 25-26 September 2014

On the morning of the 25th, the partners were accompanied by experts in the field of alternatives to deprivation of liberty from their respective countries, who explained their legal context and the alternatives to detention that apply in each case. This experience allowed the partners to gain a better understanding of the other countries’ realities and obtain a global perspective that will facilitate their work relations in the future. Afterwards, all partakers visited a cohabitation home, managed by Fundación Diagrama, where open-regime measures are applied.

The following day, an internal work meeting took place and the partners of the project determined the next actions to be taken. These involved the creation of an online course on the International School of Juvenile Justice’s e-learning platform, by 2015, and a Best Practice Handbook to be published at the end of the project, in February 2016.

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Read the whole news piece about the Meeting.


Third Transnational Meeting of the JODA project and Second Exchange Meeting with Experts - Leiden (Netherlands), 24-26 March 2015

March On the afternoon of the 24th, partners and experts attended the introduction of the project’s online course structure by Mr. Cédric Foussard (Director of International Affairs, IJJO), Prof. Ursula Kilkelly (Senior Lecturer, University College, Cork), Ms. Louise Ford (University College, Cork) and Ms. Deirdre Malone (Irish Penal Reform Trust - IPRT). This presentation was followed by a roundtable where the main topics faced by the online course were discussed and expanded, giving partners and experts involved the opportunity to exchange and share knowledge, know-how and opinions, and collect useful information for the development of the course.

The morning of the 25th was dedicated to the experts’ presentations, where useful input for the draft of the ‘Manual of good practices’ was collected.

In the afternoon an ad hoc study visit was organized to the forensic foster care pilot project in Amsterbaketn. In this project, financed by the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, children who are staying in pre-trial detention are selected for forensic foster care.

Finally, on the 26th March the J.O.D.A project partners had their Third Transnational Meeting, where the next steps of the initiatives were discussed and explored in order to go on with the planned actions: Exchange Pathway validation, draft of the manual of good practices and, last but not least, the preparation and development of the online course.

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Read the whole news piece about the Meeting.


Final Conference of the JODA project - Brussels (Belgium), 27 January 2016

On the 27th of January 2016, the partners of the J.O.D.A. project (Juvenile Offenders Detention Alternatives in Europe) participated in the project’s Final Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels, organized by the IJJO and open to the public, with representatives from juvenile justice organisations across Europe. During the Conference, experts from various EU countries discussed alternatives to deprivation of liberty for children and set out their views on articles 10 and 11 of the EU Directive on Procedural Safeguards for Children Suspected or Accused in Criminal Proceedings.

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Read the whole news piece about the Meeting.


Funded by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union