Microsite Net for U
- International Organization for Migration
- European Commission- DG Justice
- European Migration Network, EU Commission, Home Affairs
- Separated children in Europe Programme
- Council of Europe- Migrations
- Pucafreu
- PICUM – The Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
- Children on the Move (Terre des Hommes)
- Towards integrated child protection
Links by Country
- INFOMIE (Centre de ressources sur les mineurs isolés étrangers)
INFOMIE is an online platform and a centre of resources about Unaccompanied Foreign Minors, giving information concerning the law applicable to UFM and sharing good practices for professionals (reports, case studies, agenda…etc.). - PROTECTION JUDICIAIRE DE LA JEUNESSE (PJJ)
The Judicial Youth Protection Directorate is responsible for youth justice. It drafts texts on minors at risk and young offenders and ensures the application of judgements handed by the children's courts in the 1,500 detention and probation centres. - CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL D’ILLE-ET-VILAINE /ASE - Aide Sociale à l’Enfance (Social Welfare for Childhood)
Any child residing in French territory, regardless of nationality falls under the protection for childhood plan. This is the case of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM). The General Council of Ille-et-Vilaine is committed to ensuring their protection through a specific host mission. - Red Cross France
This is a structure which main responsibility is to collect and evaluate information about the UFM (age, nationality, etc...) in order to guides them to the right centers/services and also informed them about their rights. - RETABLISSEMENT DES LIENS FAMILIAUX (RLF)
It’s a service for all the victims of involuntary and, sometimes, brutal separation. The French Red Cross has been working since 1959 to restore and maintain links between members of the same family and trying to find missing persons. - SERVICE D'ACCUEIL DE JOUR DE MINEURS ISOLES ETRANGERS
Day care service for young newcomers to ensure they will be hosted and protected. - LIEU D’ACCUEIL ET D’ORIENTATION (LAO) POUR MINEURS ISOLES ETRANGERS
Home reception and guidance for Unaccompanied Foreign Minors. It welcomes about 30 minors entrusted by court child under an order for temporary placement and they can stay there for two or three months, extendable. The team evaluates the situation of the minor and develops with him guidance in order to consider the most appropriate solution: family reunification in France or abroad, return to the country of origin, support by a structure of social assistance to children ...etc.
The work is ensured thanks to the collaboration with the ASE (Social welfare for childhood) services and the Judicial Youth Protection Directorate (PJJ) and also many partnerships with others services and establishments directly linked with the work with minors in social difficulties.
France terre d’asile has made the care of unaccompanied foreign minors an important dimension of its activity since 1999. The Directorate of protection for unaccompanied foreign minors (DPMIE) manages three structures sheltering, reception and orientation and is also involved in research and advocacy. France terre d’asile participates in all instances aimed at changing conditions of support for unaccompanied foreign minors, relying, in particular, on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. This activity is available at a local, national, but also European level. - ASSOCIATION HORS LA RUE
Association Hors la rue is working with unaccompanied foreign minors helping and accompanying them in order to offer solutions and build with them a strong life project for their social and professional integration. It also works to raise awareness of this UFM phenomenon among institutional, associative and political actors at an international level. - Protecting and Supporting Children on the Move