Restorative Justice from a Children’s Rights Perspective


Restorative Justice from a Children’s Rights Perspective

The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice are delighted to offer a free 2 day training course on restorative justice practices and children in conflict with the law, taking place on February 5th and 6th at The University of Strathclyde. 

Many children who cause harm have themselves been the victims of harm. Exploring the intersection between restorative justice and trauma-informed practice, this training will look at how these approaches can be combined in order to uphold the rights of children in conflict with the law. This training course will be led by renowned RJ experts Professor Tim Chapman and Dr Annemieke Wolthuis of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, and takes its title from their recent book of the same name.

Participants in this course will;

  1. Understand how children’s rights can be integrated into restorative justice practices
  2. Become aware of how restorative justice practices can fail to observe children’s rights if not implemented mindfully and skillfully within robust standards of practice
  3. Understand how children who are not protected by rights can be traumatized and can develop survival strategies which are harmful to themselves and others
  4. Be introduced to a model of restorative justice with young people which integrates rights-based and trauma informed practice
  5. Develop skills in engaging with young people in processes which restore what has been lost, damaged and violated in their lives

Professor Tim Chapman joined us recently for an episode of Creative Conversations with CYCJ. In a rewarding and wide ranging discussion, we touched on how restorative justice differs from ‘restorative practice’ or ‘restorative approaches’, the need for RJ facilitators to examine their own conscious and unconscious biases and the relationship between children’s rights and restorative justice. Listen back to this podcast episode HERE

Demand for this course is likely to be high, and space is limited. If you would like to take part, please complete this application form. 

The deadline for applying for this training course is 5PM on January 19th 2024.

All applicants will be contacted to let them know whether their application has been successful. Exact details re. timings and training room are in the process of being finalised. 

If you have any questions regarding this, or any other CYCJ training opportunities, please contact

Trainer Bio’s:

Tim Chapman had a lengthy career in the Probation Service in Northern Ireland. He spent 10 years as a lecturer in Restorative Practices at the University of Ulster. He teaches as visiting professor at the University of Sassari and at the University of Strathclyde. He publishes widely on restorative justice. Tim was the chair of the board of the European Forum for Restorative Justice for the last 4 years.

Annemieke Wolthuis is more than 20 years involved in children’s rights and restorative justice. She is a researcher and trainer at Restorative Justice Nederland, a guest lecturer at different universities and schools, mediator in youth cases, and substitute youth judge at the Court of Rotterdam. Annemieke has served two terms as a board member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, during the last 6 years as the vice-chair.   

United Kingdom
Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice
Tipo de organización
Research Institute