National Youth Justice Conference 2024


This year’s National Youth Justice conference takes place in Stirling on the 19th and 20th of June 2024. The theme is Implementing Change and Protecting Rights and we have a great range of speakers confirmed. Due to the ever-changing landscape of youth justice and the many developments currently proposed, this year will focus on how we do this – and implement change.

The application deadline is now closed and delegates have been contacted. 

The 2024 Youth Justice Conference, delivered in partnership with The Scottish Government and the National Youth Justice Advisory Group. The Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Bill and UNCRC incorporation are landmark pieces of legislation in terms of youth justice and children’s rights in Scotland. Building on the legacy of the Kilbrandon report, they mark a real step forward in Scotland’s journey towards adopting a rights-respecting approach to children and young people in conflict with the law. But how do we interpret these and other changes on the horizon into everyday practice? These are the themes speakers, lightning talks and workshops will explore.

Speakers include:

Day 1:

Ms Natalie Don, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise
Graeme Armstrong, Author, Broadcaster and Doctoral Researcher
Gerard McKendrick, Improvement Officer- Children, Families and Justice Services
Alison Penman, Service Manager, Children and Families
Andrew Gillies, Senior Education and Families Manager, North Lanarkshire
Fiona Dyer, Director of CYCJ
Tom McNamara, Unit Head for Youth Justice and Children’s Hearings in the Scottish Government’s Children and Families Directorate

Day 2:

Cédric Foussard, Child Justice expert Advocacy and Global Learning Juvenile Justice Advisor. Global Initiative on Justice with Children & Terre Des Hommes.
Nicola Killean, Children & Young People’s Commissioner Scotland.
Dr Heather Ottaway, Head of Evidence and Innovation at CELCIS
Dr Tracy Kirk, Child and Family Law Lecturer at University of Stirling
Dan Johnson, Forensic Psychologist and the Clinical Director at Kibble Education and Care Centre
Donna McEwan, Practice Development Advisor, CYCJ
William Linden, Deputy Director, Violence Reduction Unit
Grace Fletcher, Service Manager, Family Support and Young People, East Ayrshire.


Workshops and Marketing Stalls 
We will have workshops and marketing stalls at the conference to provide a fantastic opportunity for relationship building and networking for those working in, or affected by, the justice system in Scotland.

Marketing Stalls include; Includem, Circle Scotland, Staf, Mellow Parenting, Kibble, Clan Childlaw, Stirling Community Enterprise and Young Scot.

Please email for more information.

Keep an eye on CYCJ’s Twitter and LinkedIn pages for further information.

United Kingdom
Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice University of Strathclyde
Tipo de organización
Research Institute