Collaboration Networks

The IJJO is an open, collaborative space, based on network cooperation, in which the sum of knowledge and contributions allows those involved to address themes of juvenile justice from different perspectives and disciplines, supporting their analysis, understanding, and development.

As a participatory platform, the IJJO gathers, promotes and publicises the latest advances in juvenile justice within fields such as research, legislation, legal practice, and the implementation of programmes and innovative good practices.

Previously, the management of the IJJO in this area was primarily focused on the coordination of the Continental Councils for Juvenile Justice. These councils (2009-2020) assembled experts, professionals, representatives of public authorities, academia, the judiciary and civil society, promoting their interaction, dialogue, and collaboration through different meetings and conferences.

In 2020, the IJJO starts working from a new approach to participation and promotion of collective work, which aims to make it easier and primarily online. Collaboration in joint initiatives has evolved with the goal of promoting a more flexible dynamic, open to a greater number of stakeholders and capable of optimising resources and easily uniting the efforts of individuals and entities from anywhere in the world.

The process of collaboration with the IJJO is carried out through a simple initial web form through which any individual or entity can let us know about their proposal, interests, or specialisation within juvenile justice. Then, the IJJO evaluates this proposal and its profile in relation to the potential lines of work and will contact the interested party to inform them of possible actions for development, either individual or within the framework of working groups.

The Observatory therefore hopes to be as useful as possible for professionals and organisations which work to protect the rights of children and young people in justice systems.